Other Compliance

Stock Exchange Compliance

Financial Year 2023-2024
Intimation Regulation 57 (1) 13.03.2024
Clarification Reg 60 21.02.2024
Intimation Regulation 60 14.02.2024
Newspaper Advertisement 31.01.2024
Board Meeting Intimation 22.01.2024
SDD Compliance Certificate 08.01.2024
Newspaper Advertisement 04.11.2023
Intimation Regulation 57(1) 31.10.2023
Board Meeting Intimation 26.10.2023
Statement Containing ISIN 05.10.20233
SDD Compliance Certificate 05.10.2023
Newspaper Advertisement 04.08.2023
Intimation Regulation 57(4) 26.06.2023
Newspaper Advertisement 12.05.2023
Intimation Regulation 51(2) 05.05.2023
Intimation Regulation 57(1) 01.05.2023
Intimation Regulation 57(1) 29.04.2023
Annual disclosure as Large Corporate 2023
Intial disclosure as Large Corporate 2023
Statement Containing ISIN 12.04.2023
SDD Compliance Certificate 12.04.2023
Regulation 7(3) 10.04.2023
Intimation Regulation 57(5) 01.04.2023
Financial Year 2022-2023
Regulation 60 Record Date Intimation 27.03.2023
Intimation Regulation 57(4) 27.03.2023
Newspaper Advertisement 04.02.2023
Board Meeting Intimation 20.01.2023
Intimation Regulation 57(5)
Intimation Regulation 57(4)
SDD Compliance Certificate
Newspaper Advertisement 04.11.2022
Intimation Regulation 57(1)
Board Meeting Intimation
Intimation Regulation 57(5) 01.10.2022
Intimation Regulation 57(4) 26.09.2022
Regulation 60 Record Date Intimation 23.09.2022
SDD Compliance Certificate
Newspaper Advertisement 28.07.2022
Annual Return
FY 2021-22
Newspaper Advertisement 21.05.2022
Board Meeting Outcome
Board Meeting Intimation
Annual disclosure as Large Corporate
Intial disclosure as Large Corporate
Intimation of Change in Director 06.04.2022
Statement Containing ISIN 04.04.2022
Regulation 60 Record Date Intimation 04.04.2022
Financial Year 2021-2022
GASHPL Reg 57(5)
Intimation of Change in Director 28.03.2022
Intimation Regulation 57(4) 23.03.2022
Newspaper Advertisement 02.02.2022
Regulation 52(7) Statement of Deviation 31.01.2022
Board Meeting Outcome 31.01.2022
Board Meeting Intimation 21.01.2022
Intimation Regulation 57(5) 04.01.2022
Intimation Regulation 57(4) 22.12.2021